Public Speaking & Appearances
Andra Millian L.Ac., C.H. is a vibrant, fun and exciting public speaker. She loves to share her knowledge and is available to conduct an informal talk, ‘brown bag’ event, or presentation on a variety of whole health subjects for your corporation, special interest group or organization.
Austin Onsite Acupuncture is also happy to participate your corporate Health & Wellness Fair.
Please contact Andra Millian L.Ac. directly with your request via e-mail or by calling the office at (512) 892-0288.
Andra Millian’s numerous public speaking events and workshops include:
• Apple Computer
• UT Employees
• UT Lamplighters
• American Heart Association
• City of Austin Treasury Dept.
• Austin Herb Society
• Barton Creek Women's Association,
• Mothers and More,
• Austin Business Women’s Association,
• Brighton Gardens Assisted Living,
• Menierre’s Syndrome Support Group.
Interview Replays:
(512) 892-0288